Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA)

The Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA) of Midland County is a non-profit organization. Our mission is to provide safe, affordable housing to those in need in Midland County.

Business Address: 3400 Isabella St, Midland, MI 4864

Business Phone: (989) 633-9910

Business Email:


Goods and/or Services: The Affordable Housing Alliance serves Midland County and offers 2 and 3 bedroom townhouses and duplexes for rent to low-income residents. Our rent is based on where the resident fits in Midlands median income but it ranges between $347 - $600 a month depending on income and bedroom size.

As a non-profit, we gratefully accept donations and utilize volunteers for landscaping. Please reach out if you are interested!

AHA History:
The Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA) of Midland County was chartered in July of 1995 through the efforts of the Community Problem solving Committee (CPS) of the United Way’s Midland County Board.

In order to quantify the need for additional housing for low-income citizens, the CPS embarked on a yearlong study of housing availability and affordability in Midland County. City and County governmental offices, along with six partner agencies, assisted the study. Using census data and planning documents from local government and with the program statistics from the partner agencies, a case for needs was made. AHA became a 501c3 non-profit corporation in 1997 to serve the need of producing affordable housing opportunities.

Non-ProfitsAnnie Stout