Accomplishing What Matters: Home to Stay’s Work in Strengthening Communities

Accomplishing What Matters 004: Joe Coffey, Home to Stay Executive Director


The Strengthening Families Five Protective Factor Framework is an international initiative that aims to develop and enhance five specific characteristics (called protective factors) that help keep families strong and children safe. The protective factors serve as buffers, and when they are increased for families, research shows there are lower incidences of child abuse and neglect. The work of Home To Stay is designed to address the 5 Protective Factors in multiple ways, most particularly as a concrete support.


Concrete Supports in Times of Need is defined as having access to concrete supports and services that address a family’s needs and help minimize stress caused by challenges. "Our vision is a community with safe, stable housing for all," Executive Director Joe Coffey said. "We feel strongly that no one should worry about where they will sleep tonight." Home to Stay's main umbrella programs are housing assistance, a home repair program, a program that helps people obtain furniture and appliances, and outreach that connects people with other resources. Here is one success story from a Home To Stay Housing Resource Specialist:

“I met a young lady and her 3 children from the shelter. During her intake I found out she was escaping a domestic violence situation. She lost her job, she lost all personal items, and stated that she was on the verge of losing her mind. She lost purpose and hope yet still needed both hope and purpose for her children. My intake was full of tissue, encouragement, examples, referrals, different job leads, the Midland Housing List, and of course Home to Stay’s forms for her signature.

We were able to assist her in finding a unit that met her family’s needs and fit the program’s qualifications! Home to Stay got the ball rolling on the unit as well as furnishing her place at no cost, thanks to our furniture program. Oh, I also forgot to add that she found sustainable employment shortly after our first meeting!”

The dedicated volunteers, Board of Directors, and staff are working toward a collective vision of a community with safe, stable housing for all. Home to Stay can be reached at 989-496-9550 or by email at

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