Website Accessiblity Just Got a Lot Easier!


Hey, neighbors! We've got some exciting news to share – Max Loves Midland is all about spreading the love, and that includes making our website super accessible for everyone. How? Well, we found an amazing resource called UserWay, who has a widget to give our site a major inclusivity boost.

The UserWay widget is like an instant upgrade for making a website that everyone can enjoy. It's got cool features that let you tweak things just the way you like. Want make the text bigger or use a font that is dyslexia friendly? No problem! The widget's got your back. There's even a highlight links, or hide images option for those days when it’s hard to find what you’re looking for. And guess what? You can even adjust the contrast levels – it's like magic!

When you visit the home page of this site you will see a blue circle with a person on it in the upper right corner of this your screen . All you have to do is click on that to see all your options. It looks like this…


Once you click that circle this menu will pop up with all kinds of adjustment options!


We know that cruising the internet can be a bit tricky for some folks, but we hope this helps! No more squinting at the screen or getting lost in confusing menus. We want everyone to feel right at home on our site.

Here's another cool part: we're not affiliated with UserWay, but we're absolutely smitten with the free version of their widget. This more accessible website is one more small step towards making Midland a place where everyone thrives.

Learn more about the free and paid versions of UserWay and get the code for your own widget here!

Do you have a Midland County story you would like to tell that aligns with our vision?

Midland: an inclusive community.

Together. Forward. Bold. An exceptional place where everyone thrives.