Posts in Mental Health
Regional medical examiner alerts the public to increased suicide deaths Michigan

Dr. William Morrone, Medical Examiner for five area counties, (Arenac, Bay, Iosco, Midland, and Tuscola Counties), reports seven suicide deaths in the region within a relatively short period of time. According to Morrone, “this trend is very alarming, and I am alerting the region so people know how to recognize signs that may indicate suicide and take steps to get help for themselves, family members, or friends.”

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Accomplishing What Matters: A Century of Well-Being Support

One hundred years ago a group of well-meaning Midlanders got together to improve their community. This group was as forward-thinking as they were generous. They helped people prepare for winter, provided eyeglasses and conducted a variety of social-work related support. Their forward seeing pragmatism was in the form of offering mental health counseling. Today, 100 years later, their vision lives on at Family & Children’s Services (FCS).

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Creating Home: Meet Heather Deogracia

It was an absolute pleasure to learn about the story of California transplant and artist Heather Deogracia. Her in depth education and struggles with mental health challenges have undoubtedly molded her unique perspective of the world. Read on to learn about her bright spirit and the persistence she has needed to push through to be where she is today.

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Social Isolation and Rebuilding Relationships

The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on society, not only in terms of physical health but mental health as well. As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, there is a need to press on with addressing the challenges of social isolation and proactively rebuilding connections for the betterment of ourselves and the common good of our communities.

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Cultivating Positive Relationships and Removing Barriers of Mental Health Treatment

As a community, region and society we have come a long way in overcoming the stigma related to mental health. This is in large part thanks to more people reaching out to their support groups and being willing to ask for help. And while progress of acceptance and understanding grows, we still have a long way to go. Along with cultivating positive relationships there are resources available to the region to help overcome the obstacles of mental health.

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Preserving John Pratt's Mosaic Legacy: Art and Mental Health

In 1991, tucked away on M-20 in Midland, Michigan, a small cinderblock home became the canvas for one of the most captivating outsider art installations in the state. On walls of this unassuming house, Midland native John Pratt poured his heart and soul into creating mosaic murals using an eclectic mix of materials: shattered pottery, bottle caps, bathroom tiles, and clay pots.

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