Capturing Home: Meet Jacqueline Leapheart


Watch Episode 22 of
The Max Loves Midland Show



Jacqueline Leapheart, In Her Own Words:

“I woke up this morning with my calendar full, my mind racing through everything on my plate. It’s always like this, bouncing from one commitment to another, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The day started with my Morning Rotary meeting. I’ll be President next year, so there’s been plenty to learn and prepare for. After that, I had a Midland Business Alliance Ambassador meeting.

Then, it was time to switch gears and head to work at Adoption Option, Inc., where I serve as Fundraising & Marketing Specialist. My coworker and I were scheduled to present to the Kiwanis Club about the organization, sharing what we do and the ever-growing need for foster parents and mentors. I’ve done presentations like this before, but each time, the impact of our work hits me all over again. The questions and discussions reminded me why I do this—why I keep pushing to spread awareness about adoption, foster care and family preservation.

When people ask me how I ended up here, working at Adoption Option Inc., my answer always traces back to my mom, DeLois Leapheart. Twenty-one years ago, she sat my dad down over breakfast at the Texan and told him she felt called to start an adoption agency. His practical side reminded her that they had a child about to go to college and others following soon behind. But my mom had faith. And here we are, over two decades later, with 46 employees and a thriving mission to serve children and families. My father has been on the board the whole time and actively contributed to growing the organization as well. I started at Adoption Option Inc., taking pictures at finalization hearings, and even though my role has evolved, those moments never lose their significance. The smiles, tears, and relief are a privilege to witness. It’s not a business—it’s a calling, purpose, and legacy I’m honored to be part of.

Adoption Option Inc. has exciting things coming up—a Youth Empowerment Breakfast, a pickleball tournament for Give Local Midland, and Jambalaya & Jazz in the fall.


But my world isn’t just Adoption Option Inc. I’ve always been drawn to photography, and my side work with Windowstill keeps that passion alive. Real estate photography might not have the same emotional weight as adoption finalization. Still, there’s something deeply satisfying about capturing a space in the best light, about finding the right angle to tell a story through an image. It also gives me an excuse to travel, crisscrossing the state for shoots. One day, I’m in Unionville, the next in Pigeon, and then St. Helen. It’s constant motion, but it’s a balance of creativity and structure that I thrive on.

I will be at a tutoring appreciation event with the Legacy Center this evening, where they appreciate me and others who spend their time weekly tutoring. I work with a high school student. I’ve been tutoring him for a while now, and though I joke that he’s the most stable person in my life because I rarely miss a session, the truth is, I’m deeply invested in his success. Watching him grow, pushing him to keep reading, keep thinking—it’s work that matters.

I’ve moved away before—college in Kentucky, work in Memphis and in Davison—but Midland has always called me back. There’s something about this community that still feels like home. Living in Midland has shaped me. I grew up here, attending Montessori, Cook, Jefferson, and finally Dow High. “Go Chargers!” Growing up I was a swimmer, a track runner, a soccer player—a full-on tomboy—until high school, one day my friend dragged me to cheer tryouts. I resisted at first, but I was hooked the second I realized I got to throw people into the air and yell. My cheer coach, Kathy Snyder, was one of the most incredible mentors I’ve ever had. She believed in me even when I doubted myself, leaving a lasting impact. Now, in a way, I think we both serve as City of Midland cheerleaders together!

When I finally do have downtime, I embrace it fully. My couch, a cup of tea, and an audiobook—that’s my kind of peace. I have a deep, possibly unreasonable, love for shark movies. My collection is ridiculous, and I’ll proudly put on The Meg for the hundredth time to have it playing in the background while I unwind. It’s one of those quirky little joys that make up who I am.

Looking forward, Midland needs to continue fostering inclusivity, making space for everyone who calls this city home. Recently, at an event for the Midland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., where I serve as secretary of my chapter. I was blessed and pleasantly surprised to meet not one but two African-American female primary care physicians that work at our hospital. Seeing African-American female physicians in Midland felt like an impossible dream when I was a kid. Now, they exist. It has filled me with more hope for the future than I could have possibly imagined. That representation matters. We still have work to do, but I believe we can keep moving forward together.”


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Midland: an inclusive community.

Together. Forward. Bold. An exceptional place where everyone thrives.